Phytobioremediation of cadmium-contaminated soil using combination of Ipomoea reptans Poir and Trichoderma sp. and its effect on spinach growth and yield
bioremediation, cadmium, Ipomoea reptans, phytoremediation, Trichoderma sp.Abstract
This research aimed to study the potential role of Ipomoea reptans and Trichoderma sp. on the absorption of cadmium from cadmium-contaminated soil and its effect on and growth rate and yield of spinach. The research was arranged in a completely randomized blok design with two factors. The first factor was the density of Ipomoea reptans consisting of 0, 2, and 4 plants/polybag. The second factor was the dosage of Trichoderma sp. consisting of 0, 50 and 100% dose of Trichoderma sp. Results of the research showed that Ipomoea reptans with 2 plants/polybag effectively reduced Cd to 66.31% and increased the growth of spinach by 20% on plant height, shoot dry weight of spinach by 35%. Application of 100% dose of Trichoderma sp. effectively reduced Cd by 63.81% and increased spinach plant growth by 18% on plant height and increased shoot dry weight of spinach by 23%). There were interactions of phytoremediator of 2 Ipomoea reptans plants/polybag with bioremediator of 50% Trichoderma sp. that effectively reduced Cd to 71.19% and improved 43% of plant height and leaf number, 31% of leaf area, and 63% of shoot dry weight of spinach plant compared with plants without application of Ipomoea reptans and Trichoderma sp.
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