Abstracting and Indexing
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management (JDMLM) has been covered by these following indexing services :
- Crossref [2013] (https://www.crossref.org/)
- DOAJ [2014] (https://doaj.org/)
- Dimensions [2015] (https://dimensions.ai)
- ERIHPLUS [2016] (https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/)
- Google Scholar [2013] (https://scholar.google.com/)
- Indonesian Publication Index (IPI) / Portal Garuda / GARUDA [2013] (https://garuda.kemdikbud.go.id/)
- Sherpa Romeo [2014] (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/index.php)
- WorldCat [2015] (http://www.worldcat.org/)
- PKP Index [2017] (http://index.pkp.sfu.ca/)
- Sinta: Science and Technology Index [2017] (http://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/) (Accredited Certificate)
- Ghent University Library [2015] (http://lib.ugent.be/)
- ISI: International Scientific indexing [2017] (http://isindexing.com)
- Proquest [2017] (http://search.proquest.com) (License agreement)
- ACI: ASEAN Citation Index [2017] (https://www.asean-cites.org)
- Microsoft Academic Search [2018] (https://academic.microsoft.com)
- CABI: CAB Abstracts Database [2019] (cabi.org) (License agreement)
- Scopus [2019] (scopus.com)
- Scimago Journal Rank [2020] (scimagojr.com)
Under Updating Process