Phytoremediation of Pb contaminated paddy field using combination of Agrobacterium sp. I3, compost and ramie (Boehmeria nivea)




Agrobacterium, chelator, heavy metal, industry, paddy field



Industry sector exerts a negative effect on the environment. Industrial waste is often disposed to the rivers. The industry contributes to the accumulation of heavy metals in the environment. In farming sector, the accumulation of heavy metals can result in water pollution and be washed into the ground. Therefore, the farming product can be contaminated with heavy metals and they can be harmful to human health. The objective of this research was to reduce the Pb heavy metal content in paddy soil. This research was taken place in the Pb contaminated paddy soil using a randomized complete block design with three factors and three replicates. This research employed combination of inorganic fertilizer, ramie and Agrobacterium sp. I3 or compost as a chelator to improve Pb uptake. The results showed that combination of the three treatments increased Pb uptake. The combination of chemical fertilizers, ramie with compost increased the Pb uptake of 11.93 μg/g or 45.9%. The combination of chemical fertilizers, ramie with Agrobacterium sp. I3 resulted in the highest Pb uptake of 12.85 μg/g or 49.8%. The combination also decreased the soil Pb level by 7.8 μg/g or 23.5% of the control.

Author Biographies

Retno Rosariastuti, Sebelas Maret University

Soil quality and soil security

Umi Barokah, Sebelas Maret University

Soil quality and soil security

P Purwanto, Sebelas Meret University

Soil Remediation

S Supriyadi, Sebelas Maret University

Soil Biology


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How to Cite

Rosariastuti, R., Barokah, U., Purwanto, P., & Supriyadi, S. (2018). Phytoremediation of Pb contaminated paddy field using combination of Agrobacterium sp. I3, compost and ramie (Boehmeria nivea). Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 5(4), 1381–1388.



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