Selecting species of vegetation and its land suitability evaluation for reclamation of post clay quarry in Kotabaru Regency, Indonesia
fast-growing species, post quarry clay, reclamationAbstract
Environmental degradation, which is caused by the quarry, is a complex problem. The site of the quarry within an agricultural land and forest makes land become critical. Rehabilitation of the area can be conducted by reclamation. Revegetation using local species is no better than pioneer species. Based -on Indonesian regulation-in Permenhut P.4/Menhut-II/2011, revegetation using fast-growing species is important for a precondition before enrichment using climax species, so then it needs an evaluation of land suitability for the fast-growing species. The study of revegetation was conducted at quarry clay which the characteristics of this study were description and exploration with field survey supported by laboratory analysis. Data obtained were analyzed by giving weights and scores of species characteristics to decide selected species of vegetation, then the soil characteristics and qualities were matched with species growth requirements. The results showed that jabon (Anthocephallus cadamba) and sengon (Falcataria moluccana) are selected species for revegetation. Land suitability classes of jabon and sengon are not suitable (N) and land suitability of jabon and sengon can be increased to be marginally suitable (S3) by reclamation using potting system that includes building drainage, improvement of depth, soil pH, application of fertilizer, dolomite, and gypsum, application of grass mulch and collecting large rocks for making the terrace.
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