Land changes detection on Rote Island using harmonic modelling method
big data engine, harmonic modelling, land changes, Rote IslandAbstract
Rote Island is one of the islands in East Nusa Tenggara. In this island, land changes occur significantly. This land changes can be detected by Landsat images. These images are obtained from the big data engine. The big data engine used is the Google Earth Engine. This study aimed to detect land changes with harmonic modelling using multitemporal Landsat images from the big data engine. Harmonic modelling is used in monitoring changes in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index values in a multitemporal manner from Landsat images. Processing is done using the Geomatics approach. Land changes on Rote Island generally occur on coastal and savanna. Land changes on land generally have vertical deformation on its movement and horizontal on the savanna. The land changes accuracy result is 95% in 1,96σ. This method can be used for rapid mapping of land changes monitoring.References
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