Spatial and temporal distribution of estimated surface runoff caused by land use/land cover changes in the upstream Citarum watershed, West Java, Indonesia
GIS, hydrology, land use/ land cover, remote sensing, surface runoffAbstract
In Indonesia, flooding is one of the natural hazards that often occurs during the rainy season. Surface runoff coefficient values are an essential indicator of the supply of regional water resources. The smaller the surface runoff value, the greater the water storage in the ground, and the smaller surface was running water. This study analyses the spatial and temporal distribution of the estimated surface runoff caused by land use/land cover changes in the upstream Citarum watershed. The study area is located in the upstream Citarum watershed, West Java, Indonesia. The site has a long history of flooding and various complex environmental problems. The geographic Information System method was used as a tool in analyzing the spatially and temporally. The research result shows that there has been a change in land cover in several periods of the year in the Citarum upstream watershed. The occurrence of the LULC phenomenon positively affects the surface runoff coefficient. The increasing area of Built land and plantation in the Citarum upstream watershed will further increase the surface runoff coefficient and, in the end, will potentially increase the surface runoff and contribute to flooding in the Bandung basin. This study results can be used to provide input in determining the direction and policies for watershed management, taking into account the varying characteristics of each subwatershed.References
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