Comparison of stability analysis methods for safe design of volcanic rock slope
pseudostatic, slope, stability, static, volcanicAbstract
The performance of the stability chart (SC), limit equilibrium (LE), and finite element (FE) methods for stability analysis of weathered volcanic rock slopes under static and earthquake loads is not fully understood. This research aimed to evaluate the performance of the SC, LE, and FE methods for slope stability analyses by studying a case of a weathered volcanic rock slope at the Leuwikeris Dam diversion tunnel in Indonesia. Site characterisations were carried out to obtain the input parameters for the static and pseudostatic slope stability analyses. The results showed that using various search methods of failure surface and the suggested optimum number of finite elements, multiple non-circular failure surfaces were predicted from the LE and FE methods that were not anticipated in the initial slope design based on the SC method. The location and shape of the failure surfaces from the LE method agreed with those from the FE method. The difference between the Fs values from the static LE analysis and those from the static FE analyses was less than 14%, but the discrepancy increased up to 78% in the pseudostatic analyses. This study highlights the importance of validating the results from one method with the other methods to prevent slope failures.
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