Wheat yield vulnerability: relation to rainfall and suggestions for adaptation


  • Khalid Tafoughalti UMI - Moulay Ismail University - Meknes, MOROCCO
  • E M El Faleh Geology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco
  • Y Moujahid Regional Center for Agricultural Research - URGDRNESR- Meknes, Morocco
  • F Ouargaga Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco




adaptation mechanisms, drought, mid-spring, precipitation concentration index, wheat yield


Wheat production is of paramount importance in the region of Meknes, which is mainly produced under rainfed conditions. It is the dominant cereal, the greater proportion being the soft type. During the past few decades, rainfall flaws have caused a number of cases of droughts. These flaws have seriously affecting wheat production. The main objective of this study is the assessment of rainfall variability at monthly, seasonal and annual scales and to determine their impact on wheat yields. To reduce this impact we suggested some mechanisms of adaptation. We used monthly rainfall records for three decades and wheat yields records of fifteen years. Rainfall variability is assessed utilizing the precipitation concentration index and the variation coefficient. The association between wheat yields and cumulative rainfall amounts of different scales was calculated based on a regression model to evaluate the impact of rainfall on wheat yields. Data analysis shown moderate seasonal and irregular annual rainfall distribution. Yields fluctuated from 210 to 4500 Kg/ha with 52% of coefficient of variation. The correlation results shows that soft wheat and hard wheat are strongly correlated with the period of January to March than with the whole growing-season. While they are adversely correlated with the mid-spring. This investigation concluded that synchronizing appropriate adaptation with the period of January to March was crucial to achieving success yield of wheat.


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How to Cite

Tafoughalti, K., El Faleh, E. M., Moujahid, Y., & Ouargaga, F. (2018). Wheat yield vulnerability: relation to rainfall and suggestions for adaptation. Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, 5(3), 1251–1258. https://doi.org/10.15243/jdmlm.2018.053.1251



Research Article